Why Would You Need a Habit Interpreter?

Because –

…Behavior is revealing

Many influences and influencers shaped and reshaped you as an  individual.

Regardless of age, education or status level, behavior quickly provides valuable clues and insights of what needs your attention.

…Behavior transcends gender

Too frequently traits are attributed to being male or female. Stereotypes create confusion. The reality is sensory or intellectual abilities are available to everyone.

…Being an insider or outsider can affect behavior

They tell us power and influence are important. However looking through a lens of whether you are an insider or outsider tells you more about your options.

… You’re thinking, how did I land in this strange place? 

Transitions can be unpredictable, intense and unreceptive to control.

When a transition is chosen by you, it seems more doable.  When a transition is imposed, it’s out of your control and can set off second guessing.

Deep insights, equip you to find a personalized fit for your circumstances, reputation and future plans.

When would you call a habit interpreter?

    1. When the story you tell yourself contradicts the story your accomplishments tell.
    2. When you’re doing the same thing but feel different – it’s challenging to articulate.
    3. When you’re standing there knowing what you need, and what you’re capable of, yet resistant or ambivalent – as if you cannot find the ON switch.
    4. When you thought you’d be elsewhere at this phase/stage of life.
    5. When your values, thinking and behavior no longer fit like before and you’re second guessing yourself.
    6. When it’s getting more difficult to conceal your dissatisfaction or disappointment.
    7. When you’re curious about what makes you tick. You’re proud of what you have accomplished. While looking back you have questions yet no family members who could answer those questions. It’s possible to identify defining moments and events that shaped and reshaped you.
    8. When you suspect that you’re the one getting in your way.
    9. When your reaction takes you by surprise, is confusing or anxiety producing.


Is this where you’ve landed? 
Let’s explore whether unpacking your behavior could make a difference.

Coaches are plentiful.  Habit Interpreters are rare.

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